

Pizza Shop Shop

Case Study - Test workflow of Favorites feature
Harvard IT Acadamy UX Foundations Workshop Exercise

Pizza Shop Shop

Medium-Fidelity Prototype - Test workflow of Favorites feature
Harvard IT Acadamy UX Foundations Workshop Exercise



Jaguar PTO

Design | Development | Support
Industry: Education
Redesign existing Google site
Content editing, writing for the web
UX research to bring most visited content to homepage

Shop Earnest Sewn

Design | Development
Industry: Fashion
Design and build responsive storefront on E-Commerce platform
Match the branding of the parent site, Earnest Sewn
Due to budget constraints, e-commerce site did not launch


Archetype Showroom

Design | Development | Support
Industry: Fashion
Minimalistic design implementation
Site has since been redesigned

Spotted Salamander Organizing and Design

Design | Development | Implementation
Industry: Home Design
Redesign and implementation of existing website and branding


Vintage Sites...

Moving Eats

Design | Development | Implementation
Industry: Food
Responsive Food Truck Locator Website
Thesis Project for Master of Liberal Arts Degree at Harvard University, Extension Studies
Due to change in mayoral administration, dependent technology has changed

EXPO E-48 Portfolio

Design Adaptation | Development | Content Creation
Final project for Harvard EXPOE-48

Forget Kettner

Design Adaptation | Development | Content Creation
Simple, responsive, singe-page site


RIP Sites...

Shoelace Photography

Design | Development | Implementation

Parkway Asset Management Corp.

Design | Development

Harvard Medical School Kinsey 2-6er's

Project Management | Freelance Design (in collaboration with Matthew Welch) | Development

World PEAS CSA Food Hub

Design | Development
Industry: Non-profit/Food
Responsive storefront redesign on existing E-Commerce CMS
Update the look and feel to match the branding of the parent site, New Entry Sustainable Farming Project


Design | Development | WP Implementation
Wordpress blog implementation

A little about me...

Hi! My name is Natali and I do Web stuff.

I am passionate about creating a great user experience. I strive to meet user expectations while providing an engaging, functional and valuable experience.

I've crossed off a bit of my life-long to-do list, such as, go to and graduate from a good college, get a master's degree, skydive, fall in love, get married, have a family, own a home, record and album (only 4 songs, but it counts), run a marathon, and do a triathlon. Some things I still need to get to are go to Hawaii and record another album (maybe a greatest hits).



  •   User Experience Design
  •   User Experience Research
  •   Web Design
  •   Web Development
  •   Web Master
  •   Problem Solving
  •   Project management
  •   Collaboration
  •   Creativity
  •   Usability
  •   Web content management
  •   Conceptualize and communicate complex ideas
  •   Patience, persistence, and the ability to work under pressure


  •   HTML/CSS
  •   Javascript
  •   Photoshop
  •   Adobe Xd
  •   Final Cut Pro X
  •   Content Writing & Editing